2013-07-23 01:23:38 UTC
Abraham Lincoln story in Quran since more than 1400 years with accurate dates and coordinates
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Please help me to publish this study everywhere if you liked it
Dennis Raitt
The potentate of stupiditude has struck again! In his column in the
Tallahassee Democrat of May 7th, Gerald Ensley said: "There are some
things I just don’t understand. It seems curious that the same people
who defend the Confederacy are also the first to defend the U.S.
Constitution, which the Confederacy attempted to destroy." Well, I’m
here to help with his understanding!
After Lincoln precipitated the firing on Fort Sumter, he assumed
dictatorial powers. He first bypassed his constitutional duty to call
Congress in times of emergency. He calls out 75,000 troops for the
invasion of the South with total disregard that it is the duty of
Congress to make such a decision according to Article 1, Section 8 of
the Constitution. Why didn’t Lincoln follow the Constitution and call
out the Congress? Why did he on, April 15, 1861, call Congress to meet
almost three months later in July? And then only after he had driven
the nation into a headlong war? Obviously, he didn’t want Congress
Then he orders the blockade of Southern ports, an act of war,
requiring Congressional resolution. On April 21, he orders the navy to
buy five warships, an appropriation act requiring Congressional
approval. On April 27, he suspended the privilege of habeas corpus,
nullifying every civil liberty of every citizen. Soon thereafter he
started shutting down newspapers that were not supportive of the war.
When Congress met in July, it rubber stamped Lincoln’s wishes with the
realization that any expression of doubt about all these
extraconstitutional acts would have put one in danger of being
arrested and tried for treason against Lincoln.
On the night of September 12, Lincoln had the whole Maryland
Legislature arrested and locked up in prison at Ft. McHenry, afraid
that there were Southern sympathizers. In London, the Saturday Review
noted, "It was as perfect act of despotism as can be conceived. It was
a coup d’etat in every essential feature."
In his reign of terror he shut down hundreds of newspapers: The
Chicago Times, the Journal of Commerce (N.Y.), the Morning News
(N.Y.), New York World, the Philadelphia Evening Journal, the
Christian Observer, the Republican Watchman (Pa.), the Missourian, the
Herald, the Democrat (N.H.), the New York Herald, etc. Public
discussion, free speech, and the free press were strangled. Lincoln
was thus the imperial magistrate, with full despotic powers. Lincoln
told Congress that he had the right to suspend the Constitution in
order to save it.
The Supreme Court made a valiant effort to check this reign of tyranny
under Chief Justice Roger Taney over the writ of habeas corpus,
probably the most important provision of the Bill of Rights. Lincoln
not only ignored the Supreme Court’s ruling, but then writes an order
for the arrest of the Chief Justice, who was then in his eighties.
Lincoln thus put himself above Congress, above the Supreme Court, and
above the Constitution. He was an absolute ruler, like the tyrants of
Rome, to which Taney said: "And if the President of the United States
may suspend the writ, then the Constitution...has conferred upon him
more regal and absolute power of liberty of the citizen than the
people of England have thought it safe to entrust to the crown."
In one of his strangest acts of contempt of the Constitution, he
created the state of West Virginia, in contravention of Article 4,
Section 3, which required the approval of the sovereign state of
It seems curious that the same people who defend the federal
government’s quest to destroy the Constitution are the same ones who
disparage the South’s right to form a new government. I guess no one
ever said you had to be educated to be a columnist for the Tallahassee
Dr. Dennis Raitt
Columnist for www.yourvillage.com
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Dennis Raitt
The potentate of stupiditude has struck again! In his column in the
Tallahassee Democrat of May 7th, Gerald Ensley said: "There are some
things I just don’t understand. It seems curious that the same people
who defend the Confederacy are also the first to defend the U.S.
Constitution, which the Confederacy attempted to destroy." Well, I’m
here to help with his understanding!
After Lincoln precipitated the firing on Fort Sumter, he assumed
dictatorial powers. He first bypassed his constitutional duty to call
Congress in times of emergency. He calls out 75,000 troops for the
invasion of the South with total disregard that it is the duty of
Congress to make such a decision according to Article 1, Section 8 of
the Constitution. Why didn’t Lincoln follow the Constitution and call
out the Congress? Why did he on, April 15, 1861, call Congress to meet
almost three months later in July? And then only after he had driven
the nation into a headlong war? Obviously, he didn’t want Congress
Then he orders the blockade of Southern ports, an act of war,
requiring Congressional resolution. On April 21, he orders the navy to
buy five warships, an appropriation act requiring Congressional
approval. On April 27, he suspended the privilege of habeas corpus,
nullifying every civil liberty of every citizen. Soon thereafter he
started shutting down newspapers that were not supportive of the war.
When Congress met in July, it rubber stamped Lincoln’s wishes with the
realization that any expression of doubt about all these
extraconstitutional acts would have put one in danger of being
arrested and tried for treason against Lincoln.
On the night of September 12, Lincoln had the whole Maryland
Legislature arrested and locked up in prison at Ft. McHenry, afraid
that there were Southern sympathizers. In London, the Saturday Review
noted, "It was as perfect act of despotism as can be conceived. It was
a coup d’etat in every essential feature."
In his reign of terror he shut down hundreds of newspapers: The
Chicago Times, the Journal of Commerce (N.Y.), the Morning News
(N.Y.), New York World, the Philadelphia Evening Journal, the
Christian Observer, the Republican Watchman (Pa.), the Missourian, the
Herald, the Democrat (N.H.), the New York Herald, etc. Public
discussion, free speech, and the free press were strangled. Lincoln
was thus the imperial magistrate, with full despotic powers. Lincoln
told Congress that he had the right to suspend the Constitution in
order to save it.
The Supreme Court made a valiant effort to check this reign of tyranny
under Chief Justice Roger Taney over the writ of habeas corpus,
probably the most important provision of the Bill of Rights. Lincoln
not only ignored the Supreme Court’s ruling, but then writes an order
for the arrest of the Chief Justice, who was then in his eighties.
Lincoln thus put himself above Congress, above the Supreme Court, and
above the Constitution. He was an absolute ruler, like the tyrants of
Rome, to which Taney said: "And if the President of the United States
may suspend the writ, then the Constitution...has conferred upon him
more regal and absolute power of liberty of the citizen than the
people of England have thought it safe to entrust to the crown."
In one of his strangest acts of contempt of the Constitution, he
created the state of West Virginia, in contravention of Article 4,
Section 3, which required the approval of the sovereign state of
It seems curious that the same people who defend the federal
government’s quest to destroy the Constitution are the same ones who
disparage the South’s right to form a new government. I guess no one
ever said you had to be educated to be a columnist for the Tallahassee
Dr. Dennis Raitt
Columnist for www.yourvillage.com
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